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OroVerde - Tropical Forest Foundation

Burbacher Strasse 81
53129 Bonn

Telefon: 0228/24 29 0 - 0
Telefax: 0228/24 29 0 - 55

Email: info[at]oroverde[dot]de


Responsible authority:

Bezirksregierung Köln
Zeughausstraße 2–10
50667 Köln

Tropical Forest Foundation is a non-profit foundation under civil law.
Sales tax-ID: DE171686070
Creditor-ID: DE95ZZZ00000032985
Foundation Directory NRW: AZ 10/89


Executive Board 

Martina Schaub
Phone: 0228/24 29 0 - 15
Telefax: 0228/24 29 0 -915
E-mail: mschaub(at)


Contact online editorial team:

Birthe Hesebeck
Phone: 0228/24 29 0 - 14
E-mail: bhesebeck(at)

Simone Lauffer
Phone: 0228/24 29 0 - 48
E-mail: slauffer(at)


Responsible for content according to § 10 Absatz 3 MDStV:

Martina Schaub
OroVerde - Tropical Forest Foundation is exclusively responsible for the content of this website. The positions presented here do not reflect the point of view of sponsors and public funders. 

Pictures and photos:

We sincerely thank Mr. Konrad Wothe, who gave us his beautiful photos free of charge to use on this website. Many thanks!
Also Özi's Comix Studio for the great drawings especially on the kids page! And many thanks also to the many travelers who regularly bring us pictures from the rainforest and make them available to us free of charge!
All graphics created by OroVerde itself (with the OroVerde logo), which are used individually, may be used under the license: CC BY-ND. That means, these graphics may be further processed, commercially as well as non-commercially, as long as this is done without changes and completely and we are named as the author. This of course excludes all photos used on the website and in the materials.

Liability notice: 
Despite careful control of the content, we do not assume any liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are exclusively responsible for their content. 


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